
Royal Victoria Hotel

A stay in this Hotel will be different from a stay in any other. Its calm and quiet character tells us of a thousand years of the City and of the Hotel. The Royal Victoria Hotel has always been the first choice of those who are sensitive to culture and who wish to add a charming outlook to their stay in Pisa and Tuscany.

In the 10th century the Winemakers' Guild erected the oldest tower in this building which served both as an inn and as their headquarters, the "Università de' Vinajoli" which eventually became the University of Pisa. In the 16th century, when Florence overcame Pisa, the tavern became known as the "Locanda della Vittoria" (Inn of the Victory). In 1837 Pasquale Piegaja, a citizen of Lucca, purchased the tower and other adjacent buildings, transforming the Inn into the "Hôtel Royal de la Victoire".

The name gradually changed to Royal Victoria Hotel through common usage by the large number of English-speaking tourists, and the coincidental Victorian reign. In 160 years, this small family hotel has accommodated about 3 million guests, especially kind, happy and... patient visitors! The Hotel has been honoured to receive a surprisingly large number of illustrious visitors, amongst them historical figures, scientific and artistic celebrities, members of aristocratic families and those well-know in the worlds of business and entertainment.

During your stay ask to see the visitors' books both old and new, and you will discover that you are in good company while in your Pisan home! Today the Piegaja family proudly and enthusiastically continues the tradition, in this hotel where the rooms and the many halls offer a rare atmosphere because of their old-fashioned size, ornate ceilings and original furniture, all typical of the Tuscan austere style. leaning tower of pisa This extraordinary continuity distinguishes the Royal Victoria Hotel from the many now fashionable converted palaces, monasteries and villas. For those not arriving here by horse and carriage, may we remind you that the hotel has its own private garage for cars, motorbikes and bicycles. And by the way... whilst you are in Pisa... don't forget to visit the Leaning Tower!

Royal Victoria Hotel  



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56126 Pisa (PI)

Royal Victoria Hotel Pisa

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